Ideas for the Coronavirus Period

While the UK Government wrestles with how to help the UK and UK citizens and business get through the Coronavirus pandemic are there things that we can or should do?

At T4 we thought it might be helpful to put some ideas and thoughts out there. Some food for thought.

We hope you will find these inspiring and helpful.



Bookkeeping & Record Keeping

Simple, Practical, Time Saving Solutions


Coronvirus Period


We have a central Coronavirus Page with links to Government Guidance Financial Support Available.


How the Coronavirus period might affect people differently?

The Coronavirus period is likely to affect individuals, businesses and organisations in a host of different ways, economic, social and no doubt other ways as well.

It could end up being a wake up call to the human race around the world from which hopefully we will learn lessons that benefit us all in the future.

On an individual level what can we do to turn all the problems caused by Coronavirus into positives in our own lives and businesses?

Some businesses are going to be business than normal during the Coronavirus period such as the Health Care & Medical Professions.

Businesses or jobs that fall within the “key workers” category but also other businesses.

As accountants and tax advisers here at T4 we are execting to be busier than normal while at the same time if clients cannot afford to pay usual fees on time short of cashflow like many other businesses.


When asked what is the single most important quality or idea many business leaders and successful individuals will say: 

“You need to see every problem as an opportunity…”

So what can we do while in lockdown due to the Coronavirus to make the best of a tough time?

Many of us normally rush around with very lives, work or business, family issues, and little time to sit and think.

Perhaps below are some of the things you could utilise and extra time you may have spare during a lockdown period of Coronavirus in the UK.

Work Dried Up for the Coronavirus Period?

The Coronavirus pandemic is not going to last for ever. 

If your business has gone quiet this might be an opportunity to put things in place that will benefit your business after the pandemic has past, that you would not normally have had the time to do or consider. 

Marketing & Advertising

Improve your businesses marketing…

Website, launch or improve your website

Prepare a business brochure

Reconsider your logo & branding

Customers & Suppliers

Improve your customer and supplier relations…

Assess your customer base & stay in touch with key or important customers during the lockdown period and look for new customers to add

Re-assess your products and services, what and how can you improve it for when we come out of lockdown

Research supplier options and take the time to speak to existing and potential new suppliers.

Assess Financials

Improve your financial planning and structure…

Time to review past financial performance, dig into the detail of your income and expenses, assets and liabilities

Building a financial plan for growth in the future

Review accounting software, apps and other financial resources

Fine tune internal systems & processes


Improve your skills personal and business…

Online courses – there are a variety of online courses often at reasonable prices to improve your skills

Learn new skills, improve existing ones

Computer Skills & Business Skills & Others

Use the opportunity for staff training 

One thing about “time” is that it only moves forward and you never get it back“. John Cotter CEO of T4 Tax Limited

Forced time off work, locked down in your home and unable to go out or when allowed to go out can’t afford to go out…

Reed Courses offer thousands of courses from as little as £10 for quite expensive courses with big discounts on many. Lots of subjects to improve your skills. Graphic Design,  Interior Design, Business Development, Microsoft Excel, Marketing, E-Commerce, Website Design and loads more. Make the most of the time you will never get back!

Why not hit the ground running with some extra skills you didn’t have before Coronavirus lockdown!

Other Ideas...

Have an empty building or business venue? – Improve it while it is empty?

Have idle resources – consider how they could be used or utilised in new or different ways in the current situation?

Same old, same old? – Consider new ways of doing things?

Be Creative, write a book, blog, song or poem, paint a picture and try something new?

Invest your time is supporting, encouranging and helping others cope with the Coronavirus period.


Help Others...

Volunteer to help the NHS and others in need during the Coronavirus period?

Donate to Food Banks that will be extra busy in tough times?

(see bottom of our Coronavirus Page for link to donate to the Trussell Trust)



Benjamin Frankin famously said:

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Superb Bookkeeping Service

Simple, Efficient, Effective, Practical Solutions