T4 Forms

Our forms section

This page is only intended for T4 clients and their employees who have been directed here.


Payroll Employee Starter Form

Payroll Employee Starter Form


About this form: This is a substitute HMRC employee "New Starter" checklist. PLEASE type in normal grammar, that will help thank you, i.e. NOT all lower case or all UPPER text) e.g. Smith, not smith or SMITH). EMPLOYEE INSTRUCTIONS: You must answer all the questions marked as required usually a red *. Error can lead to incorrect tax being deducted.


Enter the full name of your new employer. If you are not sure ask your employer before completing this form.
Enter your new employers name here. If you have ANY queries about your employment you should raise these with your employer.


If any
or type in format dd/mm/yyyy
Enter your NINO with no spaces e.g. AA112233B (should be 9 characters long)
What is your sex?
As shown on your birth certificate or gender recognition certificate
1st Line of your address
e.g Berkshire, Surrey
For payslips and documentation


Below chose a statement that accurately reflects your work or other income (e.g. pensions) situation for the current tax year (6 April to 5 April).
Do you CURRENTLY have another job?
Do you receive payments from State Pension, private or workplace pension?
Since 6th April have your received payments from:
As you said yes to some of the previous question please state which are applicable
Only select one
P45 From Previous Employer
EMPLOYEE STATEMENT (Select which of Statement A, B or C applies to you)
Key: Statement A = Personal Allowances, Statement B = Personal Allowances on a Week1 / Month1 Basis, Statement C = BR Code. For more information about tax codes see www.gov.uk/tax-codes


As you ticked that your have had another job since the most recent 6th April (i.e. in the current tax year) we need the P45 that your previous employer should have given you. otherwise your tax may be calculated incorrectly. IF YOU CANNOT UPLOAD THAT NOW PLEASE GIVE IT TO YOUR EMPLOYER AS SOON AS YOU HAVE IT.

Maximum file size: 20MB

WHAT IS A P45? - A P45 is a document given to employees by their employer when the leave an employment. The P45 will show the date of leaving, gross pay and tax deducted to the date of leaving. If you have a P45 from a previous employer, since most recent previous 6 April, then please upload it here or email it to t4.office@t4tax.com. (in format .pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png). Max file size 20mb


STUDENT LOANS (Do you have a Student or Postgraduate Loan)


Are you STILL studying full-time on the course that your Student Loan relates to?


Have you COMPLETED or left your full-time course after the start of the current tax year, which started on 6 April?
Are you ALREADY making regular direct debit repayments from your bank, as agreed with the Student Loans Company?
To avoid paying more than you need to, tick the CORRECT Student Loans that you have - use the guidance below help you
Tick ALL (above) that apply to you. GUIDANCE: Types of Student Loan You have a Plan1 if any of the following apply: • you lived in Northern Ireland when you started your course • you lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012 You have a Plan 2 if: You lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012. You have a Plan 4 if: You lived in Scotland and applied through the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) when you started your course. You have a Postgraduate Loan if any of the following apply: • you lived in England and started your Postgraduate Master's course on or after 1 August 2016 • you lived in Wales and started your Postgraduate Master's course on or after 1 August 2017 • you lived in England or Wales and started your Postgraduate Doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018


How clear and easy did you find it to complete this form? (1 hard to 5 easy)


GDPR Agreement (Privacy)
PLEASE ALLOW 30 SECONDS for the form to submit. MAKE SURE ALL RED * Questions ARE ANSWERED. Your will get submission confirmation or by redirected to anything not completed.


Some useful videos about Tax Codes from HMRC

HMRC - What is a Tax Code?

How Do I update my details online if my tax code is wrong?


Get a Government Online Gateway Account

We highly recommend you have a Gov.uk "Gateway" account.

Access your information with HMRC online or via HMRC's mobile app.

If you don't already have a Gov.uk Gateway account use this link below to create one.

Important why?

request coding changes

notify HMRC of any new address

update contact your details with HMRC

track your National Insurance Record

track your State Pension entitlement

and more...

You will need to prove your ID. You will need a) your National Insurance Number and two of tje following 1) current passport 2) current driving licence, or 3) a recent payslip or P60. Two of these are the easiest way to get through ID verification during the setup process.

IMPORTANT TIP: MAKE A NOTE OF YOUR GOV.UK GATEWAY ID and password. Make sure you access the Gateway at least once a year to ensure HMRC don't delete it. Check your income record, PAYE coding notice, State Pension entitlement etc.

HMRC's Mobile App looks like this

HMRC's Mobile App

HMRC's mobile app is now a very useful tool to quickly access your tax and information that Gov.uk has about you. We highly recommend it!